One Liner

Today’s LifeSucx:

“It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I never had the courtesy to thank her for it” ~ W.C. Fields

One Liner

Today’s LifeSucx:

“My doctor told me to watch my drinking. Now I drink in front of a mirror. I drink too much. Way too much. My doctor drew blood. He ran a tab” ~Rodney Dangerfield

One Liner

Words to Live By

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” –

George Washington – 1st US President

One Liner


“It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It.” – George Costanza

One Liner

Today’s LifeSucx:

“Alcohol does not make you fat, it makes you lean: against tables, chairs, walls, floors and ugly people”

One Liner

Once Upon A Time In The West:

“How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders, a man who can’t even trust his pants?”

One Liner

Angry Guy Says:

“I always take life with a grain of salt…. and a slice of lemon…. and a shot of tequila”

One Liner

Words to live by?

Get Money – Get Laid – Get Drunk

One Liner

Superbowl Sunday:

The phrase, ”I’m not drinking too much during tonight’s game”, never goes as planned…

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